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Birendra Kumar Singh


The analysis of foundation size and reinforcement is conducted with respect to the overall load exerted on the foundation base. This includes considering the load imposed by trains, the weight of the girder, and the pier. To ensure the structural integrity and stability of the foundation base, M25 grade concrete and Fe 500 grade steel are utilized. In order to counteract bending forces, 20 φ diameter steel bars are incorporated as reinforcement in the foundation base. The analysis focuses on meeting the necessary flexural strength requirements. It is essential to consider different scenarios and take into account the maximum size of the foundation base and the required amount of reinforcement for each case.In addition to the factors mentioned, several other aspects need to be considered during the analysis of foundation size and reinforcement. These include soil conditions, the magnitude and distribution of loads, as well as any potential dynamic effects caused by the passing trains. The selection of M25 grade concrete ensures an adequate compressive strength to support the load, while Fe 500 grade steel provides the necessary tensile strength and durability for the foundation base.To ensure structural stability and prevent excessive bending, a reinforcement configuration consisting of 20 φ diameter steel bars is employed. This reinforcement arrangement effectively neutralizes bending forces and enhances the flexural strength of the foundation base. The size of the foundation base is carefully determined, taking into account the maximum anticipated loads and the desired safety factor.Different scenarios and load combinations must be thoroughly examined to determine the optimum size of the foundation base and the corresponding amount of reinforcement required. This analysis involves assessing various load cases, including different train configurations, girder weights, and pier loads. By considering these variables, the foundation can be designed to withstand the expected loads and provide long-term stability and safety.


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