Mathematical Model to Monitor Concrete Compressive Strength Partially Replaced with Periwinkle and Palm Kernel Shell as Aggregate
This research work monitor that application of periwinkle and palm kernel shell as partial replacement for aggregate, the study are carried out applying modeling and simulation techniques, concrete are normally heterogeneous in most cases, but the study try to examine the growth rate of the material on their compressive strength, such process were carried out using these two locally sourced material at different percentage of replacement for aggregate, the study monitor the impact of parameters to determine their level of significant effect on compressive strength, these parameters are the porosity and permeability’s including the void percentage of the concrete mix, the system simulated these parameters by variations, their level of impact were observed in the growth rates of the compressive strength, the study examined the variation percentage of replacement between palm kernel and periwinkle shell, it was observed that the permissible limit should not exceed [25% and 50%] the required strength can only be gotten within these limits, because the study on the replacement percent observed decrease at different figures but with at exponential rates in individual figures, but with the combination of these figures at different percentage of replacement, decrease with respect to increase in percentage of replacement were observed. The replacement was carried out ranging from 0%, 25% 50%, 75%, 100% at the curing age of 7, 14, 21 and 28-days. The application of water cement ratio 0.6 was used. At 1:2:4, the study applying modeling and simulation techniques to determined the influence of porosity, void ratio and permeability effect on the growth rate of the compressive strength, it also observed the effect on the these parameters heterogeneity in the concrete mix, based on the applied locally sourced materials [PKS and PS]. The simulation values were compared with the experimental values of Sulaiman and Olatunde 2019], from compressive strength. These two materials should not be recommendation for heavy loaded structures, the study from the simulation also observed that the strength development depend on the curing age. More so, the required cement paste that generate bond can only express efficiency on the shell, when the cement content remain the same, this implies that the bonding is inadequate. As the strength predominantly depends to a large extent on good bonding between cement paste and the aggregate, this study finally observed that between these two materials, PS is best material that is suited as replacement as granite in concrete than PKS. It is recommended that the mix-ratio should be altered to get higher values of compressive strength.
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