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Evaluation of Green Rating System for Building

Priyanka R. Jadhao, Rahul Chaudhari


Civil Industry is a rapidly growing industry in this is due to the country's huge economic, social, and infrastructural development. This development of the construction industry leads to a negative impact on the environment and harms human beings. Hence, to reduce this the concept of ‘Green Building Technology is put forward in recent years. Green Building Technology is a rating system adopted worldwide which provides unique guidelines to make construction sustainable. This includes the construction of Residential, Commercial, Retails, Schools, Core & Shell, etc. for new as well as for existing building that gets retrofitted. This building obtains certificates from the rating agencies of the world. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the green rating System for Building such as LEED, GRIHA, and IGBC on one platform. The evaluation is done through the web application. The stakeholders such as Engineers, Builders, architects, and Owners can apply for this certification program. Therefore, the paper was focused on building a web application using the ASP.Net framework and programming languages. Website for Evaluation of Green Rating System for Building has been designed and built with the database design and implemented using Microsoft SQL server to build the structure of the system. ASP.Net it operates on the HTTP protocol and establishes a bilateral communication and cooperation between a browser and a server through the utilization of commands and policies.

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