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Identification of KPIs in Construction Industry: A Review

Sakshi Gupta


The success of any construction project depends on project performance. Construction industry contains large number of parties, i.e. clients, stakeholders, shareholders, consultants, contractors, regulators and others. The factors that affect the performance of construction projects result in disputes, claims, failures and delays in construction. Through performance measurement, organizations can improve their productivity and also compare it with their competitors, as well as identifying their weakness. The main aim of this work is to identify the key performance indicators that affect the construction projects and industries. Literatures about the performance were reviewed to identify the factors affecting the performance of construction projects. In addition, some other local factors have been added. Through the literature survey it was found that the most important factors agreed by the clients, consultants, contractors and engineers were average delays in regular payments, advancement in technology, efficiency of labor, unavailability of competent staff, application of health and safety factors in organization, progress deviation, improper planning, project team leader working relationship with others, project complexity, and information coordination between owner and project parties.

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