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Modeling legionella spp pressured by two dimensional variation of velocityand horizontal transverse dispersion in udi creek

Ezeilo F.E., Solomon Ndubuisi Eluozo


This study carried out was to monitor the transport system of Legionella in Udi creek.The rate of Legionella was determined through microbial analysis investigated at different location in the study environment.The contaminants was observed to be predominant in the creek.This condition implies that there will be serious illness since the human settlers collect waterfrom the creek for their every domestic activities.Monitoring the rate of pollution from Legionella becomes imperative based on these factors.Predictive techniques was applied in the study to generated predictive model.This application generated predictive values from model simulation, the predictive valuesexperienced fluctuation in all the figures.This implies that there aresome factors that could pressure the transport growth rate of the system.Velocity of flows was observed to generated several variations at different locations.The reflection of this parameter was observed in the growth rate of concentration inall the figures.The variations express vacillation based on the influenced from velocity variation of flows.The study experienced pressure from the rate of spread, the transverse dispersion experienced variation that was observed to affect the transport of the microbes in the creek.The study is imperative because it has determined the growth rate of the microbes in the creek, validation of the model were carried out using the experimental values, and both parameters express some levelofbest fit correlations.


Keywords:modeling, Legionella spp., two-dimensional, velocity and transverse dispersion

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