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Predictive Model to Monitor Dissolved Oxygen Deficit and Velocity Variation Influenceon Mycoplasima Transport in Choba River

Solomon Ndubuisi Eluozo, Ezeilo F.E


This paper expressed various impacts from oxygen and river velocity on the transport of Mycoplasima in Choba River. The study monitor the impact of these two parameters at different pointsource of waste discharge in the River, other parameterswere integrated, but were not considered significant, since there rate of impact were not determined in the study location. The two considered parameters were applied in the system to determined their direct rate of influence on decrease rate of Mycoplasima in the river, such conditions were applied to monitor the variation of concentration at various station pointof discharge, the generated predictive values range from 0.590618514–0.029560834, 0.747384234–0.037407059, 0.810200405–0.037407059, 0.890048365–0.04454749, 0.595196952–0.029789988, 0.453265371–0.022686222 and0.2884416–0.014436686.The study applying modeling techniques generated derived simulation values from the model, the generated values experienced decrease with respect to increase in distance at different station,model validation were carried out between the predictive and experimental values. The study wasable todetermine other influential variables that directly determined the declined rate of the concentration in different station points; the study has also evaluated the rate of Mycoplasima concentration in the river.


Keywords: predictive oxygen, velocity, Mycoplasima,transport, dissolved oxygen

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