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Md Affan Akhtar, Prof. Dharmendra Singh Rathore


Renewable energy is the best source of energy. It is abundant in nature, it’s just like a gift of god. Nowadays, heating and cooling is a major issue in environment due to global warming. A major part of energy is being engaged in such issues. So Earth tube heat exchanger is a renewable source of energy for heating and cooling of any building. Here, in this study we will perform a software simulation for the performance check up of the system. Here, the monthly ambient air temperature heating and cooling of the earth air tube heat exchanger over a year, also the temperature difference of air between the inlet and outlet of the earth air heat exchanger for the month of July 2018 to May 2019. It can be observed that the air temperature difference between the inlet and outlet of the EAHE varies according to every month. The soil temperature of earth remains constant almost throughout the year. At a depth of 5 m, and pipe length of total 45 m it is noted that the air temperature decreases from the maximum ambient temperature of 41.2 C corresponding to the month of June in the region of Bhopal M.P.It is also noticed that the air velocity inside the earth air heat exchanger is at a constant value almost the length.

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